Double Ocarina | Umineko OST Heavy Metal Cover

Catch Gin Kreuz' First Umineko OST Heavy Metal Cover on Double Ocarina

Set near a vast forest in the breathtakingly beautiful Moscow region, this MV is the genesis of Gin's Umineko no Naku Koro ni Remix Collection.
This fragment is best enjoyed with a bottle of kefir or a cup of green tea.
Happy listening and have fun with 10 facts about this MV♰


10 Facts You Should Know About 「Far」

  1. First ever MV by Gin to be recorded in Russia—while being his first Umineko MV.
  2. First published double ocarina performance by Gin. The "Truth Seeker" debuted in this MV as a protag.
  3. 「Far」 in its entirety was filmed in one day. This was thanks to Rustam giving advice and filming a few indoor shots, as well as Cybergrind heroically recording the outdoor scenes while fending off mosquitoes and laughing a lot.
  4. When posting this MV on his Twitter, Gin accidentally tagged the wrong zts (composer of the original "Far"). (*´_ゝ`)
  5. As they had little to no equipment on hand during the shoot, Gin and the crew resorted to using wood as to stabilize the camera.
  6. The tea seen in this MV is a pleasant cup of black tea with rose petals. In fact, it is licensed Umineko Saku Tea.
  7. 「Far」 is arguably Gin's most vintage-sounding Umineko no Naku Koro ni cover.
  8. In the most basic sense, the plot of the MV was inspired by the name of the original track. That is how the filming location was decided. That is where the crew went until they got hungry.
  9. 「Far」 is Gin's first MV to receive a custom logo and second to receive a vectorized version of it. The first MV that got a vector logo was Fishy Aroma.
  10. Out of the first three Umineko MVs, 「Far」 was the most stressful one to film. Why? Imagine having to walk on a concrete sidewalk while holding and passionately playing a fragile purple clay double ocarina. Meanwhile, a cameraman is practically glued to your side (no lens!) and you have to take care not to trip over his feet.


Today's Special Message From Gin

Hooray! Thank you for watching my first Umineko OST Cover. Remember to subscribe! Thank you as always to my crew and to you, my dear Witches and Spectators.
Perhaps you are also interested in trying out the double ocarina someday?


<Watch next MV: Fishy Aroma

>Next kakera: TRianThology OST—「Game End」


Additional Camera Metal "Cybergrind" Brø
Additional Camera & Advisor Rustam Crit
Videographer, Editor & Truth Seeker Gin Kreuz

Lead Instrument

ID Double-8
Type Multi-chamber transverse ocarina | a.k.a. sweet-potato ocarina
Range Double range | a.k.a. double ocarina
Material Purple clay
Tuning Alto C


Umineko no Naku Koro ni (Umineko: When They Cry) © Ryukishi07 / 07th Expansion (竜騎士07)
「Far」 © zts
「Far」 Ocarina Heavy Metal Remix © Gin Kreuz

Database Info

Album Umineko no Naku Koro ni: New Gin Kreuz Remix Collection
Track No. 1

© 2024 Gin Kreuz ❖ All Rights Reserved.